March 14, 2025
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Ballot: What’s The Most attention-grabbing Xenoblade Recreation? Fee Your Popular For Our Upcoming Ranking

Xenoblade Chronicles Showdown: Which Title Captivates You the Most? Cast Your Vote for Our Upcoming Ranking!

By on March 14, 2025 0 3 Views

Encompassing all platforms and downloadable content

Image: Nintendo

The forthcoming ‘Definitive’ Switch edition of Xenoblade Chronicles X has led us to ponder not only the arrival of this Wii U treasure, but also the broader franchise in general.

Tetsuya Takahashi’s creation has developed and thrived throughout the Switch era to such a degree that ‘Operation Rainfall’, the fan-driven initiative to urge Nintendo to bring Xenoblade Chronicles (among other RPGs) to Western audiences, seems like a distant memory rather than just 13 years ago. The four titles in Monolith Soft’s collection shine brightly in Nintendo’s legacy.

Although there are only four titles in the series at present, two substantial DLC expansions for XC2 and XC3 significantly enhance the overall experience. When you factor in the numerous ports, that’s a wealth of Xenoblade content spread across four Nintendo consoles. Therefore, it’s time to do what we gamers enjoy almost as much as playing games – ranking them!

Of course, we have our opinions, but to assist us compare these eight segments of Xenoblade, we are gathering the most reliable, insightful, and dare we say delightful companions we’ve ever had the joy of battling alongside: you wonderful folks.

Registered Nintendo Life readers can scroll down and assign a score from 1-10 for any Xenoblade game before our ranked list goes live shortly. For the sake of comparison, we have included all ports and DLC as well – and the Definitive Edition of XCX will be added to the list once we’ve all had a chance to complete it. Probably by 2027.

If you have previously rated these games in our database, please hold off – and thank you! If not, feel free to start your ratings…

Rate each Xenoblade Chronicles game you have experienced:

Click the stars below to rate each Xenoblade title out of 10 that you have played:

Image: Nintendo

We will unveil the results eventually, but remember: the list is dynamic and may change in real time based on each game’s User Rating in our database. So even if you miss ‘voting’ before the results are announced, you can still influence the ranking afterward.

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