Monster Hunter enthusiasts no longer have to wait much longer for the upcoming major installment in Capcom’s immensely popular action-RPG series. Monster Hunter Wilds is set to debut on February 28, and players can participate in a 2D launch beta early next month. Whether you’re looking to explore the series for the first time or interested in owning Steam versions of some of the latest titles, Fanatical has reintroduced its fantastic Create Your Own Monster Hunter Bundle. Additionally, you can get Monster Hunter Rise and Monster Hunter World for just $10 altogether.
We recommend picking up each game’s expansive expansions as well. You can also obtain the base games along with Rise’s Sunbreak DLC and World’s Iceborne DLC for only $18.
Capcom Monster Hunter Bundle
2 for $10 / 4 for $18 / All 8 for $25
- Monster Hunter Rise
- Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Expansion
- Monster Hunter World
- Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Expansion
Deluxe DLC:
If you wish to enhance your experience, you can add the Deluxe Version cosmetic DLC for the base games and expansions for an additional $7. The complete Monster Hunter Bundle is priced at $25.
- Monster Hunter Rise Deluxe DLC
- Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Deluxe DLC
- Monster Hunter World Deluxe DLC
- Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Deluxe DLC
If you have never played them, Monster Hunter games revolve around tracking down elusive creatures, defeating them in combat, and then gathering materials from them to craft better gear, allowing you to hunt even more powerful monsters.
Every creature is unique, and if you are skilled enough, you can begin tackling legendary dragons for the ultimate rewards within the game. Monster Hunter World was celebrated for creating one of the most immersive ecosystems to explore in the series, while Monster Hunter Rise is considered one of the best entry points into the franchise due to numerous quality-of-life enhancements to the gameplay.
As for the expansions, Iceborne introduced new monsters, weapons, and even more to the base game, while Sunbreak followed a similar pattern. Monster Hunter World and Rise perform exceptionally well on Steam Deck as well, so that you can embark on hunts while on the go.
If you have not yet preordered Monster Hunter Wilds, physical editions for PS5 and Xbox Series X are available on Amazon for $70. Alternatively, you can preorder the Steelbook Edition of Monster Hunter Wilds for $75.
Fanatical is also offering discounts on all three digital versions of Monster Hunter Wilds; you can save over $12 on the standard edition and even more on the Deluxe and Premium Deluxe editions.