“Timeless Worlds: The Secrets Behind the Longevity of MMOs Like Ultima Online”
Raph Koster is aware of an essential factor regarding the creation of a lasting MMO, as he played a key role in developing one of the most enduring MMOs ever, Ultima Online.
Ultima Online is widely regarded as a trailblazer in the MMO arena, debuting back in 1997 and becoming so influential that it’s often credited with bringing the genre to mainstream attention before World of Warcraft emerged as the standard-bearer according to Koster. Therefore, if there’s anyone to consult about how to build a lasting MMO, it is Koster, and that’s precisely what we did. The conclusion? The relationships formed along the journey.
“The foremost indicator of players remaining in an MMO is the connections they establish, and whether their companions are present—it’s the most significant factor that influences retention,” Koster explains. “If you don’t focus on fostering social interactions and community within your game, it will decline over time. Content doesn’t endure indefinitely, right?
“People revisit the same public park not because there’s more park to see, but because they wish to experience it with their friends. It’s the same for a great MMO. Even if you’ve been there and accomplished everything available, you return because it is a place to share experiences with friends, correct? Hence, it is crucial to invest considerable design effort into facilitating and nurturing that.”
As someone who has formed lasting friendships in Ultima Online and largely ceased playing when they did, I am uniquely unqualified to disagree with Koster on this matter. I still return occasionally to relive some of that cherished nostalgia, but it does feel somewhat hollow.
Koster’s new enterprise, Playable Worlds, is currently developing an innovative sci-fi game titled Stars Reach, which he hopes will revitalize the MMO genre. Koster and fellow RPG expert Eric Goldberg are both involved in this exciting project.