Restful Hill f: A Gruesome Tale with an Unfiltered ESRB Rating
Silent Hill f has received a rating from the ESRB in the United States, and the summary of the rating is among the most detailed and intense I have ever encountered.
If you missed it, the first cinematic trailer for Silent Hill f provides a glimpse of some of the horrifying entities the unfortunate protagonist, Hinako, will have to confront. The trailer showcases some of the most disturbing creatures I have ever seen in the long legacy of the Silent Hill franchise, but this ESRB rating summary indicates that it is merely a taste of what’s to come.
It’s important to highlight that all these significant details are quite alarming and could be considered spoiler territory if you prefer to experience Silent Hill f without any foreknowledge. If that applies to you, turn back now.
With that clarified, here we go: the ESRB reports that Silent Hill f includes scenes where enemy attacks result in the player character “being impaled in the neck and/or having their faces torn apart.” Additionally, “cutscenes sometimes portray gore and severe acts of violence: a character being burned alive in a cage; a woman branded with a hot iron; entrails and sinew presented on platters at a fantastical celebration/ceremony; a character amputating her own arm; a character slicing parts of another character’s face during a ritual.”
It’s noteworthy that Silent Hill f has also recently received a rating in Japan, and it is the first game in the series’ 26-year history to be rated 18+ in that country. Furthermore, its Steam disclaimer is causing even seasoned horror fans to feel uneasy, recommending players to “please take a break” if they experience “discomfort” while engaging with the game. All of this hints at a more sinister, raw, and graphic game compared to the past somber, gritty, and bloody Silent Hill titles.
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