The latest season of the Invincible animated series has recently concluded, and if past trends are any indication, it seems it will be quite a while before season four is released. The most exciting news is that you can bypass that wait right now with the comic book series. There are several versions of the comic series available, but the newest is the Invincible Alternate Paperback Fresh Editions. These reprints of the original trade paperback editions are a bit smaller and feature updated cover art. So far, eight volumes of the Invincible Alternate Paperback Fresh Edition have been published and are currently available on Amazon, covering the story up to Season 2, with many more set to be released later this year that will nearly catch up to where the TV series concluded in Season 3. The Invincible Volume 9 will be available on May 20, followed by Volume 10 on July 15, Volume 11 on September 16, and Volume 12 on November 18. You can preorder the upcoming volumes at Amazon.
Invincible Alternate Paperbacks (Fresh Edition)
- Invincible Volume 1 — $11 (
$13) - Invincible Volume 2 — $13.50 (
$15) - Invincible Volume 3 — $19.50
- Invincible Volume 4 — $12.60 (
$15) - Invincible Volume 5 — $13.50 (
$15) - Invincible Volume 6 — $13.50 (
$15) - Invincible Volume 7 — $13.50 (
$15) - Invincible Volume 8 — $13.50 (
$15) - Invincible Volume 9 — $14 (
$15) | Releases May 20 - Invincible Volume 10 — $14 (
$15) | Releases July 15 - Invincible Volume 11 — — $14 (
$15) | Releases September 16 - Invincible Volume 12 — $14 (
$15) | Releases November 18
If you haven’t checked it out yet, Invincible centers around Mark Grayson, the offspring of the Superman-like guardian Omni-Man. Once Mark’s own superpowers finally manifest, he chooses to follow in his father’s footsteps and becomes a new superhero, Invincible. However, he soon uncovers that his father has been concealing a dark history. Add in teenage romance, a growing list of villains, and schoolwork, and Invincible offers a relatable take on popular superheroes that is worth exploring.
Artist Cory Walker initially set the tone of Invincible with his first run on the series, eventually passing the torch to Ryan Ottley who helped elevate the comic to new and often intense heights. Meanwhile, Walking Dead co-creator Robert Kirkman’s storytelling kept each arc feeling authentic, while frequently introducing new twists along the way to keep things fresh.

Although the new trade paperback reprints will eventually cover events that exceed the adaptations seen on the TV show, those who wish to experience the intense elements likely to be present in season four and beyond may want to bypass these new editions and jump ahead to at least issue #80 of the comic books, and there are several options for doing so.
The most extensive choice is three Invincible Compendium omnibus volumes, each comprising over 1,000 pages and collectively covering the entire Invincible comic series. All three are currently discounted on Amazon. It is essential to mention that these are paperback versions featuring a lower print quality than other editions, but if you want to obtain as many issues as possible at once, these are your best option. If you’re planning to skip ahead to events following seasons 1-3 of the series, you’ll want to grab
Invincible Compendium Volume 2 and Volume 3.
Invincible Compendium Releases
- Invincible Compendium Volume 1 (Issues #1-47) — $58.50 (
$65) - Invincible Compendium Volume 2 (Issues #48-96) — $45.50 (
$65) - Invincible Compendium Volume 3 (Issues #97-144) — $58.50
Alternatively, you can opt for the Invincible Final Series trade paperbacks. These volumes are smaller than the compendiums, containing about a dozen issues in a premium format per book, and their reduced size makes them easier to handle while reading. Volume 7 is the starting point for Invincible season four, encompassing issues #71-84 of the comics, though a total of 12 volumes are available.
Invincible Final Series
- Invincible Volume 1 — $28 ($
40) - Invincible Volume 2 — $37 (
$40) - Invincible Volume 3 — $43
- Invincible Volume 4 — $35 ($
40) - Invincible Volume 5 — $29.49 ($
40) - Invincible Volume 6 — $40
- Invincible Volume 7 — $40
- Invincible Volume 8 — $29 ($
40) - Invincible Volume 9 — $29 ($
40) - Invincible Volume 10 — $30 ($
40) - Invincible Volume 11 — $29.50 ($
40) - Invincible Volume 12 — $30 ($
Finally, you might also consider traditional Invincible trade paperbacks. These usually contain six-issue collections made with high-quality paper and a travel-friendly format, although they are slightly larger than the more recent trade paperbacks. All 25 volumes are available on Amazon. To prepare for the upcoming season, you might want to begin reading from Volume 15.
Invincible Alternate Trade Paperbacks (New Series)
- Invincible Volume 1 — $8.81 (
$10) - Invincible Volume 2 — $10
- Invincible Volume 3 — $9.69
- Invincible Volume 4 — $17
- Invincible Volume 5 — $13.88 (
$15) - Invincible Volume 6 — $14.40 (
$17) - Invincible Volume 7 — $15.22 (
$17) - Invincible Volume 8 — $15.26 (
$17) - Invincible Volume 9 — $15
- Invincible Volume 10 — $15.26 (
$17) - Invincible Volume 11 — $15.69 (
$17) - Invincible Volume 12 — $15.29 (
$17) - Invincible Volume 13 — $15.29 (
$17) - Invincible Volume 14 — $17 (
$20) - Invincible Volume 15 — $15.47 (
$17) - Invincible Volume 16 — $15.39 (
$17) - Invincible Volume 17 — $15.47 (
$17) - Invincible Volume 18 — $15.47 (
$17) - Invincible Volume 19 — $15.35 (
$17) - Invincible Volume 20 — $15.26 (
$17) - Invincible Volume 21 — $16.75
- Invincible Volume 22 — $15.38 (
$17) - Invincible Volume 23 — $17
- Invincible Volume 24 — $16.56
- Invincible Volume 25 — $15.26 (
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