Pokémon Legends: Z-A has a strive in opposition to royale mode that someway explains what its name methodology
Have you ever wondered why Pokémon Legends: Z-A is frequently referred to that way? There are several essential coincidences already – Zygarde is likely to be the primary mascot of this installment, while the previous game featured Arceus; and the enigmatic character AZ, pronounced as “A, Z,” makes a return here in a notably prominent role as well – however, we now have an additional reasoning, stemming from a new, seemingly quite significant feature revealed today, as part of the game’s unexpected appearance during the Nintendo Direct.
The newly introduced feature, commonly termed the Z-A Royale, is a trainer-versus-trainer competition that unfolds in Lumiose City after sunset. In this setting, the city’s wild zones, previously highlighted in Pokémon Legends Z-A‘s initial full trailer, will transform into Battle Zones, where you can find rival trainers awaiting your challenge. It is noted that only “fierce” and “highly skilled trainers” are invited to take part, although this is comically contradicted by footage showing you initiating the competition with a Lv. 13 Totodile.
Accumulate enough Badge Points, meanwhile, by defeating foes and collecting ‘bonus cards’ through completing specific challenges outlined by the cards, and you can obtain a Challenger’s Badge, which is necessary to enter a ‘promotion match’ where you can advance a rank. You will start at Grade Z, and, as anticipated, ultimately ascend to rank A – hence, Z-A. Interestingly, it is mentioned that “trainers who make it to the top are said to have a wish granted,” which likely serves as a clue about the feature’s role in the overarching narrative. Perhaps you desire a specific wish to be fulfilled in order to conquer this installment’s major antagonist?
In the trailer, we also glimpsed a bit more of the innovative hybrid battle system, which combines real-time dodging with the turn-based attacks from Legends: Arceus, and there are some subtle twists for the keen-eyed Pokémon enthusiasts.
For example, now you have the ability to surprise other trainers, instead of them being the ones to catch you off guard – allowing you to sneak up and catch them by surprise before they make visual contact with you, enabling you to launch a surprise attack. This could potentially lead to a critical hit, we are told, inflicting substantial additional damage, in a manner similar to the mechanic first introduced in Legends: Arceus that previously permitted you to deliver an extra attack on your opponent.
We also received a good look at how Mega Evolution will function in practice – an Alakazam was shown mega evolving into Mega Alakazam when four bars in a glowing gauge at the top right were filled. How you fill these bars is still somewhat unclear.