January 16, 2025
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Nintendo Is “Very Upset” About The Swap 2 Leaks, It be Claimed

Nintendo Expresses Strong Discontent Over Swap 2 Leaks

By on January 16, 2025 0 2 Views

Former employees Kit and Krysta share insights and opinions on company confidentiality

Image credit: Zion Grassl / Nintendo Life

It remains unclear how exactly Nintendo reacts to the rumored ‘Switch 2’ leaks, but former company employees Kit and Krysta – who possess over a decade of direct experience at Nintendo of America – have now shared their thoughts and perspectives.

During their time at Nintendo, leaks were fairly common, but they were never as extensive as they are now. Krysta suggests that Nintendo might be “very angry” and “extremely frustrated” about the recent events leading up to the “successor” announcement, due to these “constant interruptions.”

Kit further asserts that Nintendo will undoubtedly investigate the situation and “uncover the root” of any conceivable internal leaks – referencing their own past experiences:

Krysta: “When they [Nintendo] say let’s get to the bottom of this, they mean you need to prepare like 10,000 reports. If you’re trying to launch and announce a new console, this is definitely not the time to handle this. They are so detail-oriented as a company; they want every single detail all the time about everything. When a leak occurs, their immediate response is… whoever knew about this, whoever leaked information about this product, is now pressured to provide an endless amount of details to the teams, and it’s just incredibly disruptive. It’s a very high-pressure scenario because you feel like you’re in the spotlight as well.”

Kit: “The blame game begins…”

The duo also discusses that Nintendo has been quite naive over the years concerning its “mindset” – believing it to be “different” from that of its competitors when faced with leaks of this magnitude, assuring that something like this could never happen to a company like theirs.

Kit mentions that the marketing division within the region in the US has also undergone significant changes (which includes Nintendo Minute’s recent departure) – with the most recent leaks possibly causing concern and “long-lasting effects” in the environment moving forward:

Kit: “This will carry over and have long-term implications… it’s only going to be controlled much more tightly.”

There’s a fair amount of speculation regarding Nintendo’s potential response to the Switch 2 leaks. However, given that Kit and Krysta possess over a decade of history each at the company, it’s intriguing to hear their viewpoints about what might be transpiring if…

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