In a Stunning Turn of Events, Majora’s Conceal’s Blue Dog Wins the Puppy Stagger After 25 Years and 30,000 Attempts!
After 25 years from the debut of The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, two gamers have ultimately demonstrated that the notoriously underperforming contestant in the puppy race minigame is capable of victory, albeit after a considerable effort on their part.
At Romani Ranch in Majora’s Mask, players can partake in a minigame where they can place wagers on a race between a pack of dogs, each possessing various hidden attributes. The golden dog, boasting the highest stats, is generally favored to win. Conversely, the blue dog has such poor stats that for the entire 25 years since the game’s release, it was widely believed that winning was beyond its reach.
However, that has changed, thanks to a recent video from YouTube channel Vidya James, illustrating how he and fellow YouTuber falkush were able to achieve it. Initially, the two appeared to exploit a rare glitch in the game that leads to the race concluding prematurely, selecting a random dog to win. After coding a script to automate the process, it took falkush three days and over 8,000 attempts for the blue dog to trigger the glitch, resulting in its apparent first victory in history.
But that wasn’t all; falkush aimed to achieve a legitimate first-place win for the blue dog, succeeding without reliance on the glitch. Before each race, every dog is randomly given a condition that can boost or reduce its stats. Knowing this, falkush modified his script to look for instances where the blue dog received favorable conditions, while the other dogs like the golden one faced disadvantages, thus maximizing the blue dog’s chances.
Taking into account the dogs’ variable stats, the fluctuating race conditions, and good old-fashioned RNG, Vidya James estimated there were over 1 quadrillion potential races that could occur. With such a staggering figure, falkush reasonably concluded that the blue dog should be capable of winning in at least some of those races, whether that meant a single win or one million, believing that optimizing the race conditions would sway the odds in favor of the blue dog.
After a week of attempts, the blue dog achieved its first official second-place finish, subsequently earning silver on two more occasions. Ultimately, after more than 30