“Ghost of Tsushima Set to Make Waves as an Exciting Anime Adaptation”
The series will spark interest in the game’s multiplayer component, Legends, which is set to debut on Crunchyroll in 2027.
An anime version of Ghost of Tsushima is currently in development, centered around its Legends multiplayer mode.
Unveiled just yesterday at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, the series will be helmed by Takanobu Mizuno and produced by the anime studio Kamikaze Douga, in partnership with Aniplex.
The show is scheduled to launch on the Sony-owned anime streaming platform Crunchyroll in 2027.
“The deep, engaging world of Ghost of Tsushima and its captivating Legends mode inspired by Japanese folklore create an ideal foundation for this project,” expressed Asad Qizilbash, head of PlayStation Productions.
“Aniplex is the ideal collaborator to adapt Sucker Punch Productions’ acclaimed video game into an impressive new anime.”
Ghost of Tsushima is also being adapted into a feature film,