Cable and Bishop team-up for a mission to assign all mutantkind in a one-shot that would possibly possibly per chance additionally additionally foretell the plan in which forward for Wonder Comics
Written by Steve Foxe with art work by Ivan Fiorelli, Timeslide will take Bishop and Cable on a gallop thru a pair of eras of the Wonder Universe on a “high stakes mission” to supply up glimpses of one of the most most things which would possibly possibly per chance be to procedure in 2025 – all with the intent of struggling with the draw of a villain who must erase mutants from history completely.
“What is the fate of the marvel universe? An X-Man from the future arrives in the present with a dire warning: One of mutantkind’s most hyper-advanced foes is eating his way through time, trying to stop the X-Gene from ever evolving in the first place,” reads Wonder’s reliable description of Timeslide #1. “Only two X-Men can stop this chronal predator from achieving his goal – if they can tolerate working together long enough. Join Bishop and Cable on a trip through futures past, present and beyond.”
Wonder promises that alongside contemporary tales for 2025, the one-shot will additionally give readers a peek at some contemporary characters who will construct their debut in the arriving yr.
“I was thrilled when Tom Brevoort reached out about Timeslide. These annual mega-issues have become a perennial favorite of mine, both as a standalone story of their own and as a sneak peak of what’s to come for the year ahead,” states creator Steve Foxe. “Getting to structure this one around Cable and Bishop—two of my favorite mutants, and two I didn’t write much during my prior X-tenure—was icing on the chrono-cake.”
“Ivan Fiorelli can truly draw anything, and this story proves that era by era on a tour of some of the X-Men’s most notable moments as a new threat opens his maw and threatens all of mutant history,” Foxe continues. “We build on Cable and Bishop’s tumultuous relationship fr