We WANT it, Rockstar!
- by Ben Kerry
In typical unpredictable Rockstar fashion, the studio recently announced a free upgrade for GTA 5 on PC, bringing the title’s latest enhancements on Xbox Series X|S to that platform. Overlooking the fact that this is complimentary while we had to purchase such enhancements on Xbox (thanks a lot, Rockstar), we’re trying to harvest some optimism from this – perhaps the team can finally consider a few Red Dead Redemption upgrades for us?
You see, as much as we adore Red Dead, both the original Redemption title and its sequel, Red Dead Redemption 2, are still limited to just 30FPS on standard Xbox consoles. While this 30FPS limitation applies to all console versions of RDR 2, the original Redemption has recently received a 60FPS update on PS5 – and possibly an even higher frame rate on PC, contingent on your hardware. Seriously, we desire this on Xbox!
Microsoft’s backward compatibility initiative allowed us to enjoy RDR on standard Xbox consoles well before PlayStation players had access – but now we find ourselves lagging, and that needs to be addressed sooner or later. Regarding Red Dead 2 – Rockstar was reportedly developing a version of the prequel for current-gen consoles before shifting focus to other projects.
Keep in mind that these other projects will largely funnel into GTA 6, but with the recent announcement about GTA 5 on PC – it’s evident that the team still has some bandwidth for enhancing older titles. Rockstar, please make Red Dead Redemption a priority next – experiencing these games at 60FPS would be an incredible adventure on Xbox.
Do you agree with us that Red Dead deserves some love on Xbox? Share your thoughts with us down below.
Ben is a Content Creator at Pure Xbox, and has a passion for action, racing, and straight-up shooting in any Xbox game he can get his hands on. When he’s not gripping an Xbox controller as if his life depends on it, Ben enjoys listening to music that’s far too old for him, watching soccer on the television, and possibly engaging somewhere.