March 15, 2025
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Talking Point: What Other Bethesda Remakes Would You Love Xbox To Greenlight?

Talking Point: What Other Bethesda Remakes Would You Love Xbox To Greenlight?

By on March 15, 2025 0 6 Views

What else warrants an enhancement from Crew Inexperienced?

Honestly, we just can’t seem to get through a week without yet another rumor about that infamous Oblivion remake – with the latest reports indicating that this Elder Scrolls re-release may arrive in just a few weeks. While we would be thrilled to see a nice little update of the Bethesda classic, there are also plenty of other projects we believe Xbox should consider green-lighting since acquiring the company a few years back.

Of course, as the headline suggests, anything Fallout-related is the obvious choice here. With Fallout 4 reaching 10 years old this year (yes, a whole decade), alongside the tremendous popularity of the recent Amazon Prime TV series, it certainly seems like we should be getting something fresh from Fallout soon. Remakes or remasters of Fallout 3 and New Vegas would be fantastic, Xbox – both truly deserve an upgrade on modern hardware!

While we’ve focused on prominent Bethesda Game Studios titles here so far, that doesn’t have to be the limit. We have discussed Fallout extensively here and will continue to do so – what about reimaginings of the earlier games in the series? Fallout and Fallout 2 could definitely benefit from proper console adaptations, and even though the originals are beloved experiences, there’s ample opportunity for Bethesda to reintroduce these in a way that appeals to contemporary audiences.

Apart from those titles, you might also delve further back into the Elder Scrolls franchise for certain – or even explore something more niche? Bethesda certainly has plenty of various IPs it could draw from for possible remakes, including titles like the original Prey on Xbox 360 or some of the earlier Wolfenstein games such as Return to Castle Wolfenstein. It’s truly a treasure trove!

Aside from Oblivion, which classic Bethesda game would you like to see remade? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Ben is a Content Writer at Pure Xbox, and has a passion for action, racing, and pure shooting in any Xbox game he can get his hands on. When he’s not gripping an Xbox controller as if his life depends on it, Ben enjoys listening to music that’s far too nostalgic for him, watching soccer on the small screen, and possibly dining out somewhere.

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