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Ballot: What Switch Game May per chance You Now not Are living With out?

Essential Switch Titles You Simply Can’t Miss!

By on March 11, 2025 0 16 Views

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For me, there isn’t a specific genre of games on the Switch. In earlier generations, yes. I logged 1300 hours in Splatoon 2, yet I surely don’t anticipate to replay it all again.

Dragon Quest XI is undoubtedly an amazing game, particularly on the Switch.

Personally, I can hardly imagine living without Smash Ultimate, but Hentai Waifu 5 is a close second.

My most completed game is Sonic Mania, so I cast my vote for that. It offers endless replayability, the soundtrack is fantastic, and my eyes never tire of looking at it, especially on the OLED.

I’m now unsure if I have a game I play consistently, but I often return to Quake 1 and Quake 2. I genuinely hope more expansions will be released for Quake 1, although it’s been quite a while ;_;

Splatoon 3. I genuinely can’t bear the thought of living without it now. 😅

Without a doubt, Tears of the Kingdom. This game means a lot to me in almost every aspect. Breath of the Wild is a close second, but Tears of the Kingdom surpasses it.

I chose Splatoon 3, but that was actually just one of the options. Honorable mentions go to Palia, Hollow Knight, Switch Sports, and Smash Ultimate.

For me, it’s Splatoon 3! Although I haven’t launched it in about a month, it remains my ultimate comfort game, boasting significant replay value and excitement. Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a close contender too 😝 so many fantastic games on Switch!

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the ONLY Switch game that I genuinely believe lives up to the hype and commitment (over 90%) as I’ve accumulated more than 1,065 hours of gameplay over the past five years.

Life simulation games are my specialty, and since the gameplay mechanics of ACNH resemble The Sims more than the antics of previous Animal Crossing titles, I consider ACNH to be the BEST Animal Crossing I’ve ever played.
It’s nearly perfect.

Oh, my goodness… !
I just remembered I need to do a photoshoot for ACNH’s Fifth Anniversary at Harv Island before March 20, 2025.
I gotta run!

Smash Ultimate is my choice; however, that’s because I simply can’t decide on just one game, so I lean towards the one that brings together the most games from Switch (and also other systems)!

I can’t honestly think of any game on the Switch that I could not survive without. I voted for Ultimate even though I haven’t even completed it because it stopped receiving updates. I’m glad someone voted for Hentai Waifu 5 so I don’t have to make that absurd choice.

That said, regarding how much I go back to it, I could have also opted for Pokémon Scarlet, since it has helped me complete my living dex.

I (quite literally, about 10 minutes ago) just put away Tears of the Kingdom because I simply couldn’t get into it. However, I loved Breath of the Wild and spent countless hours uncovering its secrets and strategies.

I’d say if I had to choose just one Switch game, Breath of the Wild would be it.

It’s tough to say, especially since many of the games I continually return to can also be found on other platforms or older systems. When it comes to Switch exclusives, I opted for Cadence of Hyrule. It’s unfortunate that this game seems to not receive the appreciation it truly deserves!

Without a doubt, it has to be Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Not just is it my favorite entry in the series, but there is simply so much to discover with all the various blades you collect.

The play-by-play mechanism can feel foreign as you gather and create distinct blades and team setups (a bit like Pokémon). There could be truly a lot more to explore after the main game, with side quests and powerful bosses. And all of this is before the DLC, New Game Plus, and the Torna prequel expansion are added in.

I cast my vote for Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The first Switch game I played was just that magnificent. It’s one of the finest adventure games I’ve ever experienced.

I’ve invested considerable time into Pokémon Sword, although I haven’t played it since the release of SV. Unite, however, is the game that has the most enduring appeal for me.

The Switch boasts a plethora of magnificent games, both fresh titles and remakes/remasters; however, if I had to select just one, it would undoubtedly be Breath of the Wild without a moment’s hesitation.

All these individuals (myself included) casting votes for BotW while forgetting that if it didn’t exist on Switch, you could still play it on the Wii U.

I voted for Mario Party Superstars. Without it, I’d be stuck with just the other two titles.

Back during the initial period of the Switch, I would have certainly said BOTW, but now I genuinely enjoy replaying Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

I can’t wait to see what Fire Emblem will bring to Switch 2.

As someone who completed it on the Wii U before being able to get a Switch, in my opinion, it’s not actually that relevant.

I’m not sure if the experience has improved (probably not, as the Wii U was a lackluster system overall), but the frame rate and overall quality of the gameplay were dreadful on the Wii U.

Right here will turn out to be a remarkably extensive voting list by the time it’s complete.

I’m somewhat of an Astronomical Mario Maker 2 enthusiast.

Splatoon 3. I definitely believe I’ve spent around 8 times more hours on it than my second favorite game.

That second title is Ring Fit Adventure. While I might manage without it, it’s such a splendid, swift home workout game, perfect for cardio and core exercises.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – especially Future Redeemed – is THE best game on the console, period. Nothing else comes close in my view.
My runner-up is Metroid Dread, another title that’s simply an absolute gem with only minor complaints.

These are both major titles on the console and of this generation, in my opinion.

The Xenoblade series, no doubt.

Hyrule Warriors, the final great Warriors game KT has ever created, and likely will ever produce.

Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition would be a close second, as it’s truly a standout in the entire series, worth experiencing, and the pinnacle of JRPGs.

For me, Fire Emblem Engage. Not only did I thoroughly enjoy my experience with the game, but it reignited my passion for my favorite series (Three Houses is my least favorite FE. I’m not fond of all the monastery segments, to be honest) and came at a time when I was mourning the loss of my mother…

Engage provided the most focused strategic combat I’ve encountered and was an exhilarating journey from start to finish for me. It’s now my favorite game.

Honorable mentions: Dragon Quest XI S, Redemption Reapers, Pokémon Legends: Arceus, and Pokémon Shield.

Animal Crossing: Sleek Horizons. I still enjoy playing it daily even after five years.

I applied a technicality. I cast my vote for Mario Odyssey because Breath of the Wild is available on the Wii U (I did get that version at launch).

It is challenging to choose just one; I voted for Triangle Strategy simply because it truly deserves at least one vote.

I truly can’t decide between BotW and TotK; both are simply outstanding games, and they define the Switch generation for me. Without them, nothing else would have felt the same.
So certainly these (I selected BotW in the poll, but that is not significant).

It has to be Binding of Isaac; I’m absolutely obsessed and I’m still not that great at it, but I can’t stop enjoying it over and over again.

Isn’t there a bit of bias when presenting images of games on the cover? It tends to make people favor those games initially.

Regardless … Smash Bros for me.
Zelda this generation has been quite disappointing.

Astronomical Smash Bros Ultimate, because choosing any other game would mean not playing it entirely again.
I can never give up my local multiplayer sessions, even if they only happen a few times a year!
Meanwhile, perhaps I could take up gardening…

I would LOVE to say Splatoon 3, but Splatoon is a live service franchise where whenever a new game releases, I tend to move on from the previous one and rarely revisit it unless it’s for a campaign mode.

So I’m definitely inclined to say Astronomical Smash Bros Ultimate. Smash has always been top-tier for casual play, and although I’ve transitioned away from earlier Smash titles too, Ultimate, with its immense variety of content including the roster, stages, modes, spirit battles, and story mode (despite that one leaving something to be desired) especially the Stage Builder, is one Smash game I’ll gladly return to for years to come, even with the release of the next installment.

I chose Tears of the Kingdom; for me, it stands out as one of the best games I’ve ever experienced. There’s so much to do and discover, I could easily spend 20-30 hours just exploring every nook and cranny.

Honestly, the entire Switch era has been a joy, filled with numerous titles I couldn’t imagine living without. Games like BoTW, Pikmin 4, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Pokémon Legends Arceus, Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Engage, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Splatoon 3, and Metroid Prime Remastered have all left a lasting impression on me.

@Mirastrix Which do you prefer, Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition or Age of Calamity? Both were incredible. I’m truly torn.

Also, I think KT did a fantastic job with Dynasty Warriors/Samurai Remnant.

Without a doubt, I would select Animal Crossing for its vast range of customization for my home, outfits, and the entire island is just remarkable. If I had to pick just one video game for my whole life, this would definitely be it.

I’m not the only one who cast a vote for SMT III!

To be honest, just give me Metroid Dread, Metroid Prime Remastered, and Kirby and the Forgotten Land, and I’ll be satisfied. For some reason, I haven’t connected with the Switch as much as I have with previous Nintendo systems.

Hopefully, I can include Metroid Prime 4 to that list soon.

LA2019 is the game that truly broadened my gaming horizons beyond just Mario, even though it’s a remake. In fact, it’s my second favorite game of all time, right behind Mario Galaxy.

My vote went to The Binding of Isaac: Repentance, I won’t be satisfied until I unlock every achievement in the game.
When it comes to Switch exclusives, Super Mario Maker 2 takes the top spot without a doubt.

Gap Knight, closely trailed by Tears of the Kingdom and Pikmin 3.

If given the chance, I would vote against Breath of the Wild 😄. I find it quite tedious and overrated, which is funny considering I adore TotK and consider it among my top 10 games of all time.

It’s great to see so many games made the list.

The Switch is genuinely a remarkable console.

My choice was Tears of the Kingdom, which I know is not very surprising; the Zelda series has been part of my life since childhood.

For me, it has to be Into the Breach. It achieves a perfect balance of fun and challenge.

Aw, shucks…. I chose Splatoon 3… but then I noticed someone selected Hentai Waifu 5 and I might have just changed my vote.

How times have changed; if you had asked me initially what game I couldn’t live without on Switch, I would have probably said a fitness game…. I’m not sure what I would have replied 🤣 (Ring Fit Adventure for sure) as it has become too important in my life.
However, my favorite games are TOTK, Splatoon 2, and Xenoblade 3.
Titles like Three Houses, Legends Arceus, SSB Ultimate, Neon White, and Nobody Saves the World are trailing behind.

Absolutely Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. I must have clocked in a million hours on that game by now.

@Jam777 Wow, I never knew that. I assumed it was basically the same experience. I thought Twilight Princess was created for GC and later ported to Wii – I had thought the same about BotW, which is why I assumed the Wii U version could also run smoothly.

I had a GameCube but not a Wii, and because of that, I never obtained Twilight Princess, so I have yet to complete it.

The remark regarding Twilight Princess is that both the GameCube and Wii were virtually the same console in terms of graphical capabilities (to be fair, Double Dash looks superior compared to Mario Kart Wii).

For me, the transition from the Wii U to the Switch appeared to be exceptionally significant.

Do you recall the performance issues and inconsistent framerate that Breath of the Wild exhibited upon release? The Wii U had similar problems, if not worse, and as far as I know, never received any updates.

I usually would say Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but I genuinely didn’t get around to it this generation like I intended to, which is odd considering my passion for Smash. So I might opt for another timeless title like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I love the Legend of Zelda series, but the competition of Smash never fades for me.

Oh man, narrowing it down is tough…. my top choice would likely be Breath of the Wild, and I honestly can’t imagine not playing that game again, but I’ve also poured countless hours into Fire Emblem: Three Houses and both Octopath games. But then there’s Smash Bros, where I’ve invested around 1500 hours…

For now, I’m leaning towards Zelda, though the others are quite close for second place.

My most played games are Spelunky 1 & 2. However, I could live without them. If you play any game long enough, it’s time to move on.

I would have to go with Skyrim. It is my all-time favorite game!

BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION. The premier anime fighting game out there.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is my choice. I wouldn’t have become the huge Xenoblade fan I am today without it.

The Ultrahand feature in TotK and the ability to build vehicles and such makes it significantly more replayable than BotW over time, so I chose that. Honestly, I think it was the better experience for me overall compared to BotW, which I only recognized until now.

I’m glad to be among the 1 in 13 who voted for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. That game means so much more to me than all the others.

If I had to choose one game off the top of my head, it would likely be Mario Kart 8. Among the many major first-party titles, I’ve either completed them extensively or would be just as happy to return to the earlier games in the series. However, few of the previous Mario Karts can compare to the excellence of 8 Deluxe, and none come close to the overall content. Additionally, I genuinely enjoy many of the DLC tracks and haven’t played any of them more than a dozen times yet.

Not having any options would be difficult, but I’d suggest voting for Mario Maker 2 as the standout Switch game I’ve genuinely played consistently for six years, totaling hundreds of hours. There is such variety in the game that I could easily log thousands of hours of enjoyment if I had no other choices.

I simply chose the most played game, which was F1 Manager 2024.

I selected The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. That said, I was torn between that choice and Fire Emblem: Three Houses. There are so many fantastic options, and honestly, you really can’t go wrong with any of them.

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