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French union STJV is of the same opinion address Produce no longer Nod that also can save as much as 23 jobs

French Union STJV Advocates for Job Preservation Amidst Economic Challenges

By on March 1, 2025 0 5 Views

Following months of arduous discussions and strike actions, the French union STJV has reached an agreementMisplaced Data: Bloom & Rage with developer Don’t Nod to lessen the repercussions of a reorganization project that could have resulted in 69 job cuts.

Don’t Nod initiated the project in October 2024 and asserted it aimed to downsize operations after not meeting its financial objectives. Studio leadership acknowledged the need to reduce expenses to “preserve its competitiveness in a progressively challenging and competitive environment.”

STJV reacted swiftly and accused management of attempting to punish staff for their “gross incompetence.” The union then called for walkouts and strikes while it endeavored to negotiate with the administration, whom it criticized for obstructing their attempts by adhering to the “bare legal minimum.”

“Discussions between STJV and Don’t Nod management regarding the layoff plan are not yielding any serious commitments to employees. Despite considerable efforts from union representatives to reach an agreement, management’s proposals remain trivial,” stated an STJV release published in January.

However, it appears that progress has been made, as STJV now indicates it was able to “secure” a deal thanks to the determination of workers who fought for their rights.

It highlighted that the new agreement has “expanded the options for voluntary redundancies” and could save up to 23 positions by giving more individuals the opportunity to consider accepting a voluntary severance package—rather than a select few being compelled to depart.

“The option to apply for a voluntary redundancy will be available to a broader range of professional categories, including some not in line for job cuts. This could preserve as many as 23 jobs by allowing those who wish to leave the opportunity to do so, avoiding the necessity of enforced layoffs,”states a release.

“Moreover, the number of jobs set to be eliminated has decreased from 69 to 49, as many have resigned since management announced the PSE, along with adjustments to management’s proposal following feedback from the CSE (workers council) when it was notified.”

STJV asserts that anyone who does lose their position will receive “more favorable terms” in the form of additional compensation provided by Don’t Nod. The agreement also guarantees that anyone who participated in the strike between January 13 and January 17 will be compensated for those days.

The union had previously established a strike fund to support workers who joined the picket lines. Those funds will now be allocated to compensate workers who participated in strikes during November and December of last year. Any remaining funds will be transferred to the STJV’s national strike fund.

“We express our gratitude and congratulations to our colleagues for their role in this historic and successful mobilization. Their support and solidarity were remarkable,” continued the STJV. “This victory could not have been achieved without the tremendous efforts of the CSE (elected under the STJV’s banner) and the Don’t Nod STJV union section, over a span of four months.

“Importantly, we extend heartfelt thanks to all those who supported us and contributed to the strike fund. Collective action yields results; it is our greatest weapon. Certainly, this PSE leaves a sour taste, and the struggle will continue for our remaining colleagues’ working conditions as well as for the uncertain future facing those who will be laid off.

“It is never acceptable to see individuals losing their jobs. We hope that this struggle serves as a foundation from which to build and move forward if any company out there is not aware of this. Cheers to the strikers, and cheers to strikes.”

Game Developer has reached out to Don’t Nod for a statement.

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