Plague Inc: The Unexpected Sequel that Challenges Players to Rebuild Humanity After a Zombie Catastrophe
Plague Inc – the game that challenges its players to infect the globe and bring about the end of humanity – has received an unexpected sequel.
Posing the question, “what comes next after Plague Inc?”, developer Ndemic Creations has unveiled After Inc.
Offering a more optimistic perspective compared to Plague Inc, this game invites players to reconstruct civilization. It is characterized as “a distinctive combination of strategic simulation, survival city builder, and ‘mini 4X’,” according to the developer.
“The Necroa Virus has devastated humanity. Establish a settlement and mold your post-apocalyptic society,” Ndemic Creations stated on X.
Players venturing into After Inc will likely gather resources and do what they can to guide humanity back to a more prosperous (and less germ-filled) era.
In a conversation with GameFile, After Inc’s design lead James Vaugn mentioned he aimed to “create a more joyful and positive game this time around.”
“The environment is vibrant and beautiful,” he continued. “The survivors have faced difficulties, but they are alive and ready to rebuild. The only downside is the zombies, but [that’s] nothing that can’t be dealt with using a few nails on a cricket bat!”
After Inc is now available for download on iOS and Android. It is expected to arrive on Steam in 2025.
Regarding the studio’s Plague Inc, it experienced a surge in popularity during 2020, when real-world events sparked an almost morbid interest in contagion simulation. The developer acknowledged gaining profit from